If you are suffering from Rahu Dasha / Rahu Mahadasha period you need to do Rahu Yagya / Rahu Yagna. Online book Rahu Yagya or Puja for Rahu Mahadasha for Rahu shanti remedies.
Rahu Kaal is one of the most feared aspects of Indian astrology. As per Vedic astrology, Rahu Kaal or Rahu Kalam is specific 1/8th daytime part of the weekdays which is said to be ruled by the evil planet Rahu – the Lunar Node. Simply put, Rahu Kaal is the specific period of about one hour and thirty minutes during the day (between Sunrise and Sunset) which is governed by Rahu. So, Rahu Kal is the worst time in a day. It is a very inauspicious time of the day. It is assumed to be highly malefic, and people do not initiate any activity whatsoever during the Rahu Kaal.
On the Other side Rahu Mahadasha is a phase that exists for 18 years of the life of a person. During the period of Rahu dasha, the person will face several obstacles in almost every aspect of his/her life. They will lose respect and peace whether it be their business or well-being. There will be a financial loss, conflicts at the workplace, any important or auspicious events will be difficult to take place and get constantly postponed.
remedies for Rahu Kaal
To diminish the impacts of Rahu, one must follow coming up next do’s and don’ts recommended by expert Astrologer. These are the cures of Rahu Kaal and can assist locals with lessening or invalidate the impacts of Rahu Kaal.
One should adore Goddess Durga and present Durga Stotram.
They should focus on Divine.
Shift center around certain musings and thoughts.
Worship Lord Shiva or discuss Kaal Bhairav Beej Mantra-“Om point haram Kaleem Shri batukbhairavaya”.
One ought not begin any new pursuit.
They ought not do any Hindu Puja ceremonies.
Do not play out any propitious ceremonies or go for any excursion, propositions to be engaged, exchanges, interviews, bargains, acquisition of benefits or anything significant.
Should not obtain cash or enjoy malicious practices.
Should not sign any record
However, on the off chance that you have begun any work or favorable customs or excursion before Rahu Kaal, at that point you need not defer it. You may proceed with it and complete it during or after Rahu Kaal with no worries.
Rahu Mahadasha
At the point when Rahu Mahadasha ends, Jupiter Dasha starts after it. Jupiter Dosha stays for the 16 years. As Jupiter is the Ruler of astuteness and life exercises, individuals will in general become familiar with the new things relying on their past deeds. They understand your latent capacity and perceive your separation points.
Above all else, we need to comprehend our all issues are identified with our kundli doshas and just by taking right solutions for it, we can take care of every one of our issues. There is a detail data given underneath about various Doshas and for the correct solutions for it consult us.
Various Doshas such as;
In the event that, on the off chance that you don’t have the foggiest idea where Rahu is put in your introduction to the world outline or befuddled about it, get our definite Janampatri now!
For Ketu Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology & Ketu Dasha Effects regarding Dosh problems consult our specialist.
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